Papers, 1775-1835.


Papers, 1775-1835.

Personal and professional papers relating to his career as a Congregational minister. The bulk of the collection concerns his pastorates at the First Congregational Church (1801-1822) and the West Congregational Church (1823-1833) in Orford, N.H. Includes personal and professional correspondence (1793-1831), records of the Orange Association (1811-1823), Orford town votes concerning the church (1800-1821), records of church discipline (1775-1820), letters of reference and transfer (1795-1835) and letters missive (1794-1829).

1 box (0.5 linear ft.)


SNAC Resource ID: 7117877

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

First Congregational Church (Orford, N.H.) (corporateBody)

Orange Association. (corporateBody)

Dana, Sylvester, 1769-1849 (person)

Sylvester Dana was born in Ashford, Conn., on October 14, 1769, the seventh child of Anderson and Susanna Huntington Dana. When Dana was still very young, the family moved to the Wyoming Valley in Pennsylvania, where they intended to farm. However, when Anderson Dana was killed in the Wyoming massacre of 1778, the family returned to Connecticut, and Sylvester and his brothers were forced to seek work wherever they could find it to help support the family. In April, 1786, he and his ...

West Congregational Church (Orford, N.H.) (corporateBody)